Literal values represent fixed values. These can be any of the 'standard' data types. For information about data types, see Data types.
Integer values will be assigned an integral data type big enough to hold the value (integer, long, or biginteger).
Floating point values will always be parsed as a double.
The keyword 'null' is used to represent an absent or unknown value and is inherently untyped. In many cases, a null literal value will be assigned an implied type based on context. For example, in the function '5 + null', the null value will be assigned the type 'integer' to match the type of the value '5'. A null literal used in the SELECT clause of a query with no implied context will be assigned to type 'string'.
Some examples of simple literal values are:
'isn"t true'
Date/Time literals can use either JDBC Escaped literal syntax:
Or the ANSI keyword syntax:
DATE '...'
TIME '...'
Either way, the string literal value portion of the expression is expected to follow the defined format - "yyyy-MM-dd" for date, "hh:mm:ss" for time, and "yyyy-MM-dd[ hh:mm:ss[.fff…]]" for timestamp.