INTO clause

Usage of the INTO Clause for inserting into a table has been been deprecated. An INSERT with a query command should be used instead. For information about using INSERT, see INSERT command.

When the into clause is specified with a SELECT, the results of the query are inserted into the specified table. This is often used to insert records into a temporary table. The INTO clause immediately precedes the FROM clause.

INTO table FROM ...
Syntax rules
  • The INTO clause is logically applied last in processing, after the ORDER BY and LIMIT clauses.

  • Teiid Spring Boot’s support for SELECT INTO is similar to Microsoft SQL Server. The target of the INTO clause is a table where the result of the SELECT command will be inserted.

    For example, the following statement:

    SELECT col1, col2 INTO targetTable FROM sourceTable

    inserts col1 and col2 from the sourceTable into the targetTable.

  • You cannot combine SELECT INTO with a UNION query.

    That is, you cannot select the results from a sourceTable UNION query for insertion into a targetTable.

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