Aggregate functions

Aggregate functions take sets of values from a group produced by an explicit or implicit GROUP BY and return a single scalar value computed from the group.

You can use the following aggregate functions in Teiid Spring Boot:


Count the number of values (including nulls and duplicates) in a group. Returns an integer - an exception will be thrown if a larger count is computed.


Count the number of values (excluding nulls) in a group. Returns an integer - an exception will be thrown if a larger count is computed.


Count the number of values (including nulls and duplicates) in a group. Returns a long - an exception will be thrown if a larger count is computed.


Count the number of values (excluding nulls) in a group. Returns a long - an exception will be thrown if a larger count is computed.


Sum of the values (excluding nulls) in a group.


Average of the values (excluding nulls) in a group.


Minimum value in a group (excluding null).


Maximum value in a group (excluding null).


Returns TRUE if any value in the group is TRUE (excluding null).


Returns TRUE if every value in the group is TRUE (excluding null).


Biased variance (excluding null) logically equals(sum(x^2) - sum(x)^2/count(x))/count(x); returns a double; null if count = 0.


Sample variance (excluding null) logically equals(sum(x^2) - sum(x)^2/count(x))/(count(x) - 1); returns a double; null if count < 2.


Standard deviation (excluding null) logically equals SQRT(VAR_POP(x)).


Sample standard deviation (excluding null) logically equals SQRT(VAR_SAMP(x)).

TEXTAGG(expression [as name], … [DELIMITER char] [QUOTE char | NO QUOTE] [HEADER] [ENCODING id] [ORDER BY …])

CSV text aggregation of all expressions in each row of a group. When DELIMITER is not specified, by default comma(,) is used as delimiter. All non-null values will be quoted. Double quotes(") is the default quote character. Use QUOTE to specify a different value, or NO QUOTE for no value quoting. If HEADER is specified, the result contains the header row as the first line - the header line will be present even if there are no rows in a group. This aggregation returns a blob.

TEXTAGG(col1, col2 as name DELIMITER '|' HEADER ORDER BY col1)
  • XMLAGG(xml_expr [ORDER BY …]) – XML concatenation of all XML expressions in a group (excluding null). The ORDER BY clause cannot reference alias names or use positional ordering.

  • JSONARRAY_AGG(x [ORDER BY …]) – creates a JSON array result as a Clob including null value. The ORDER BY clause cannot reference alias names or use positional ordering. For more information, see JSONARRAY function.

Example: Integer value expression
jsonArray_Agg(col1 order by col1 nulls first)

could return

  • STRING_AGG(x, delim) – creates a lob results from the concatenation of x using the delimiter delim. If either argument is null, no value is concatenated. Both arguments are expected to be character (string/clob) or binary (varbinary, blob), and the result will be CLOB or BLOB respectively. DISTINCT and ORDER BY are allowed in STRING_AGG.

Example: String aggregate expression
string_agg(col1, ',' ORDER BY col1 ASC)

could return

  • LIST_AGG(x [, delim]) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY …​) – a form of STRING_AGG that uses the same syntax as Oracle. Here x can be any type that can be converted to a string. The delim value, if specified, must be a literal, and the ORDER BY value is required. This is only a parsing alias for an equivalent string_agg expression.

Example: List aggregate expression
listagg(col1, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY col1 ASC)

could return

  • ARRAY_AGG(x [ORDER BY …]) – Creates an array with a base type that matches the expression x. The ORDER BY clause cannot reference alias names or use positional ordering.

  • agg([DISTINCT|ALL] arg … [ORDER BY …]) – A user defined aggregate function.

Syntax rules
  • Some aggregate functions may contain a keyword 'DISTINCT' before the expression, indicating that duplicate expression values should be ignored. DISTINCT is not allowed in COUNT(*) and is not meaningful in MIN or MAX (result would be unchanged), so it can be used in COUNT, SUM, and AVG.

  • Aggregate functions cannot be used in FROM, GROUP BY, or WHERE clauses without an intervening query expression.

  • Aggregate functions cannot be nested within another aggregate function without an intervening query expression.

  • Aggregate functions may be nested inside other functions.

  • Any aggregate function may take an optional FILTER clause of the form

FILTER ( WHERE condition )

The condition may be any boolean value expression that does not contain a subquery or a correlated variable. The filter will logically be evaluated for each row prior to the grouping operation. If false the aggregate function will not accumulate a value for the given row.

For more information on aggregates, see the sections on GROUP BY or HAVING.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""