
The Teiid Spring Boot system provides a wealth of information via logging. Typically these logs are logged to the console. It will be up to your application which logging mechanism, logback, log4j, etc. is responsible for the logging configuration.

Logging Contexts

While all of Teiid Spring Boot’s logs are prefixed with "org.teiid", there are more specific contexts depending on the functional area of the system. Note that logs originating from third-party code, including integrated org.jboss components, will be logged through their respective contexts and not through "org.teiid". See the table below for information on contexts relevant to Teiid Spring Boot.

Context Description


Third-party transaction manager. This will include information about all transactions, not just those for Teiid Spring Boot.


Root context for all Teiid Spring Boot logs. Note: there are potentially other contexts used under org.teiid than are shown in this table.


Query processing logs. See also org.teiid.PLANNER for query planning logs.


Query planning logs.


Session/Authentication events - see also AUDIT logging


Events related to the socket transport.


Events related to work management and system start/stop.


Connector logs.


Buffer and storage management logs.


Detail log of all transaction operations.


See command logging


See audit logging


Admin API logs.


pg/ODBC logs.

Command Logging

Command logging captures executing commands in the Teiid Spring Boot System. This includes user commands (that have been submitted to Teiid Spring Boot at an INFO level), data source commands (that are being executed by the connectors at a DEBUG level), and query plans (at a TRACE level) are tracked through command logging.

The user command, "START USER COMMAND", is logged when Teiid Spring Boot starts working on the query for the first time. This does not include the time the query was waiting in the queue. And a corresponding user command, "END USER COMMAND", is logged when the request is complete (i.e. when statement is closed or all the batches are retrieved). There is only one pair of these for every user query.

The query plan command, "PLAN USER COMMAND", is logged when Teiid Spring Boot finishes the query planning process. There is no corresponding ending log entry, but with trace logging enabled the query plan will be included with subsequent user command events.

The data source command, "START DATA SRC COMMAND", is logged when a query is sent to the data source. And a corresponding data source command, "END SRC COMMAND", is logged when the execution is closed (i.e all the rows has been read). There can be one pair for each data source query that has been executed by Teiid Spring Boot, and there can be any number of pairs depending upon your user query.

The SRC command itself is then translated into 1 or more source statements, operations, etc. For sources that have textual representations of the native source query, each will be reported in a "SOURCE SRC COMMAND" event as at the DEBUG level with the field sourceCommand representing the SQL, SOQL, LDAP query etc. that is actually issued.

With this information being captured, the overall query execution time in Teiid Spring Boot can be calculated. Additionally, each source query execution time can be calculated. If the overall query execution time is showing a performance issue, then look at each data source execution time to see where the issue maybe.

To enable command logging to the default log location, simply enable the DETAIL level of logging for the org.teiid.COMMAND_LOG context.

The following is an example of a data source command and what one would look like when printed to the command log:

2012-02-22 16:01:53,712 DEBUG [org.teiid.COMMAND_LOG] (Worker1_QueryProcessorQueue11 START DATA SRC COMMAND: startTime=2012-02-22 16:01:53.712
requestID=Ku4/dgtZPYk0.5 sourceCommandID=4 txID=null modelName=DTHCP translatorName=jdbc-simple sessionID=Ku4/dgtZPYk0
(CPN_PROMO_HIST.PROMO_STAT_DT > {ts'2010-02-22 16:01:52.928'})

Note the following pieces of information:

  • modelName: this represents the physical model for the data source that the query is being issued.

  • translatorName: shows type of translator used to communicate to the data source.

  • principal: shows the user account who submitted the query

  • startTime/endTime: the time of the action, which is based on the type command being executed.

  • sql: is the command submitted to the engine or to the translator for execution - which is NOT necessarily the final sql command submitted to the actual data source.  But it does show what the query engine decided to push down.

END events will additionally contain:

  • finalRowCount: the number of rows returned to the engine by the source query.

  • cpuTime: the number of nanoseconds of cpu time used by the source command. Can be compared to the start/end wall clock times to determine cpu vs. idle time.

Audit Logging

Audit logging captures important security events. This includes the enforcement of permissions, authentication success/failures, etc.

To enable audit logging to the default log location, simply enable the DEBUG level of logging for the org.teiid.AUDIT_LOG context.

Additional Logging Information

Once a session has been created, each log made by Teiid Spring Boot will include the session id and vdb name/version in the MDC (mapped diagnostic context) with keys of teiid-session and teiid-vdb respectively.

Any log in the scope of a query will include the request id in the MDC with key of teiid-request.

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