S3 translator

The Simple Storage Service (S3) translator, known by the type name amazon-s3, exposes stored procedures to leverage Amazon S3 object resources. This translator is deprecated. Please use an s3 source with an appropriate translator such as file or excel. The translator works with a range of S3-compatible data sources, including Ceph Storage, Google Cloud Storage buckets, MinIO, and NooBaa.

This translator is typically used with the TEXTTABLE or XMLTABLE functions to consume CSV or XML formatted data, or to read Microsoft Excel files or other object files that are stored in S3. The S3 translator can access Amazon S3 by using an AWS access key ID and secret access key.


In the following example, a virtual database reads a CSV file with the name g2.txt from an Amazon S3 bucket called teiidbucket:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<vdb name="example" version="1">
    <model name="s3">
        <source name="web-connector" translator-name="user-s3" connection-jndi-name="java:/amazon-s3"/>
    <model name="Stocks" type="VIRTUAL">
        <metadata type="DDL"><![CDATA[
        CREATE VIEW G2 (e1 integer, e2 string, e3 double,PRIMARY KEY (e1))
            AS  SELECT SP.e1, SP.e2,SP.e3
                FROM (EXEC s3.getTextFile(name=>'g2.txt')) AS f,
                TEXTTABLE(f.file COLUMNS e1 integer, e2 string, e3 double HEADER) AS SP;
        ]]> </metadata>
    <translator name="user-s3" type="amazon-s3">
      <property name="accesskey" value="xxxx"/>
      <property name="secretkey" value="xxxx"/>
      <property name="region" value="us-east-1"/>
      <property name="bucket" value="teiidbucket"/>
Execution properties

Use the translator override mechanism to supply the following properties.

Name Description Default


The encoding that should be used for CLOBs returned by the getTextFiles procedure. The value should match an encoding known to the JRE.

The system default encoding.


Amazon security access key. Log in to Amazon console to find your security access key. When provided, this becomes the default access key.



Amazon security secret key. Log in to Amazon console to find your security secret key. When provided, this becomes the default secret key.



Amazon region to be used with the request. When provided, this will be default region used.



Amazon S3 bucket name. If provided, this will serve as default bucket to be used for all the requests



When server-side encryption with customer-provided encryption keys (SSE-C) is used, the key is used to define the "type" of encryption algorithm used. You can configure the translator to use the AES-256 or AWS-KMS encryption algorithms. If provided, this will be used as default algorithm for all "get" based calls.



When SSE-C type encryption used, where customer supplies the encryption key, this key will be used for defining the "encryption key". If provided, this will be used as default key for all "get" based calls.


For information about setting properties, see Override execution property in Translators, and review the examples in the sections that follow.

If you are using an S3 service other than AWS, then you need to set the EndPoint property on the associated source to the service URL, i.e. http://my-minio:9000

Procedures exposed by translator

When you add the a model (schema) like above in the example, the following procedure calls are available for user to execute against Amazon S3.

bucket, region, accesskey, secretkey, encryption and encryptionkey are optional or nullable parameters in most of the methods provided. Provide them only if they are not already configured by using translator override properties as shown in preceding example.

Retrieves the given named object as a text file from the specified bucket and region by using the provided security credentials as CLOB.

getTextFile(string name NOT NULL, string bucket, string region,
   string endpoint, string accesskey, string secretkey,string encryption, string encryptionkey, boolean stream default false)
   returns TABLE(file blob, endpoint string, lastModified string, etag string, size long);
endpoint is optional. When provided the endpoint URL is used instead of the one constructed by the supplied properties. Use encryption and encryptionkey only in when server side security with customer supplied keys (SSE-C) in force.

If the value of stream is true, then returned LOBs are read only once and are not typically buffered to disk.

exec getTextFile(name=>'myfile.txt');

SELECT SP.e1, SP.e2,SP.e3, f.lastmodified
   FROM (EXEC getTextFile(name=>'myfile.txt')) AS f,
   TEXTTABLE(f.file COLUMNS e1 integer, e2 string, e3 double HEADER) AS SP;

Retrieves the given named object as binary file from specified bucket and region using the provided security credentials as BLOB.

getFile(string name NOT NULL, string bucket, string region,
   string endpoint, string accesskey, string secretkey, string encryption, string encryptionkey, boolean stream default false)
   returns TABLE(file blob, endpoint string, lastModified string, etag string, size long)
endpoint is optional. When provided the endpoint URL is used instead of the one constructed by the supplied properties. Use encryption and encryptionkey only in when server side security with customer supplied keys (SSE-C) in force.

If the value of stream is true, then returned lOBs are read once and are not typically buffered to disk.

exec getFile(name=>'myfile.xml', bucket=>'mybucket', region=>'us-east-1', accesskey=>'xxxx', secretkey=>'xxxx');

select b.* from (exec getFile(name=>'myfile.xml', bucket=>'mybucket', region=>'us-east-1', accesskey=>'xxxx', secretkey=>'xxxx')) as a,
XMLTABLE('/contents' PASSING XMLPARSE(CONTENT a.result WELLFORMED) COLUMNS e1 integer, e2 string, e3 double) as b;

Save the CLOB, BLOB, or XML value to given name and bucket. In the following procedure signature, the contents parameter can be any of the LOB types.

call saveFile(string name NOT NULL, string bucket, string region, string endpoint,
   string accesskey, string secretkey, contents object)
You cannot use saveFile to stream or chunk uploads of a file’s contents. If you try to load very large objects, out-of-memory issues can result. You cannot configure saveFile to use SSE-C encryption.
exec saveFile(name=>'g4.txt', contents=>'e1,e2,e3\n1,one,1.0\n2,two,2.0');

Delete the named object from the bucket.

call deleteFile(string name NOT NULL, string bucket, string region, string endpoint, string accesskey, string secretkey)
exec deleteFile(name=>'myfile.txt');

Lists the contents of the bucket using a v2 list request.

call list(string bucket, string region, string accesskey, string secretkey, nexttoken string)
    returns Table(result clob)

Lists the contents of the bucket using a v1 list request.

call listv1(string bucket, string region, string accesskey, string secretkey)
    returns Table(result clob)

The result for either is an XML file which resembles:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>/n

You can parse this into a view by using a query similar to the one in the following example:

select b.* from (exec list(bucket=>'mybucket', region=>'us-east-1')) as a,
 XMLTABLE(XMLNAMESPACES(DEFAULT 'http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/'), '/ListBucketResult/Contents'
 PASSING XMLPARSE(CONTENT a.result WELLFORMED) COLUMNS Key string, LastModified string, ETag string, Size string,
 StorageClass string,	NextContinuationToken string PATH '../NextContinuationToken') as b;

If all properties (bucket, region, accesskey, and secretkey) are defined as translator override properties, you can run the following simple query:

If there are more then 1000 object in the bucket, then the value 'IsTruncated' will be true. v2 support for a Bucket list with continuation support can be automated in Teiid Spring Boot with an enhancement request.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""