Prepared Statements

Teiid Spring Boot provides a standard implementation of java.sql.PreparedStatement. PreparedStatements can be very important in speeding up common statement execution, since they allow the server to skip parsing, resolving, and planning of the statement. See the Java documentation for more information on PreparedStatement usage.

PreparedStatement Considerations

  • It is not necessary to pool client side Teiid Spring Boot PreparedStatements, since Teiid Spring Boot performs plan caching on the server side.

  • The number of cached plans is configurable, and cached plans are purged by the least recently used (LRU). For information about configuring cached plans, see the Admin Guide.

  • Cached plans are not distributed through a cluster. A new plan must be created for each cluster member.

  • Plans are cached for the entire VDB or for just a particular session. The scope of a plan is detected automatically based upon the functions evaluated during it’s planning process.

  • Stored procedures executed through a CallableStatement have their plans cached just as a PreparedStatement.

  • Bind variable types in function signatures, e.g. "where t.col = abs(?)" can be determined if the function has only one signature or if the function is used in a predicate where the return type can be determined. In more complex situations it may be necessary to add a type hint with a cast or convert, e.g. upper(convert(?, string)).

  • If you have the same value of a binding repeated multiple times in your query, you can consolidate that usage in a couple of ways.

    • The query can be enclosed as a anonymous procedure block:

  DECLARE string PARAM1 = cast(? as string);
  SELECT ... WHERE COLUMN1 = $1 AND COLUMN2 = $1 ...;

Note the cast of the bind variable, which is due to a small issue with the resolver that isn’t inferring the type from the variable declaration.

  • You can also use the PostgreSQL like feature of $n positional bindings:


results matching ""

    No results matching ""