Virtual Database Related Properties

Properties DATABASE Level

  • domain-ddl

  • schema-ddl

  • cache-metadata

Can be "true" or "false". defaults to "false" for -vdb.xml deployments otherwise "true". If "false", Teiid will obtain metadata once for every launch of the vdb. "true" will save a file containing the metadata into the PROFILE/data/teiid directory

  • query-timeout

Sets the default query timeout in milliseconds for queries executed against this VDB. 0 indicates that the server default query timeout should be used. Defaults to 0. Will have no effect if the server default query timeout is set to a lesser value. Note that clients can still set their own timeouts that will be managed on the client side.

  • lib

Set to a list of modules for the vdb classpath for user defined function loading. See also Support for User-Defined Functions (Non-Pushdown).

  • security-domain

Set to the security domain to use if a specific security domain is applicable to the VDB. Otherwise the security domain list from the transport will be used.

   <property name="security-domain" value="custom-security" />
An admin needs to configure a matching "custom-security" login module in standalone-teiid.xml configuration file before the VDB is deployed.
  • connection.XXX

For use by the ODBC transport and OData to set default connection/execution properties. See Driver Connection for all properties. Note these are set on the connection after it has been established.

CREATE DATABASE vdb OPTIONS ("connection.partialResultsMode" true);
   <property name="connection.partialResultsMode" value="true" />
  • authentication-type

Authentication type of configured security domain. Allowed values currently are (GSS, USERPASSWORD). The default is set on the transport (typically USERPASSWORD).

  • password-pattern

Regular expression matched against the connecting user’s name that determines if USERPASSWORD authentication is used. password-pattern Takes precedence of over authentication-type. The default is authentication-type.

  • gss-pattern

Regular expression matched against the connecting user’s name that determines if GSS authentication is used. gss-pattern Takes precedence of over password-pattern. The default is password-pattern.

  • max-sessions-per-user (11.2+)

Maximum number of sessions allowed for each user, as identified by the user name, of this vdb. No setting or a negative number indicates no per user max, but the session service max will still apply. This is enforced at each Teiid server member in a cluster, and not cluster wide. Derived sessions, created for tasks under an existing session, do not count against this maximum.

  • model.visible

Used to override the visibility of imported vdb models, where model is the name of the imported model.

  • include-pg-metadata

By default, PG metadata is always added to VDB unless System Properties set property org.teiid.addPGMetadata to false. This property enables adding PG metadata per VDB. Please note that if you are using ODBC to access your VDB, the VDB must include PG metadata.

  • lazy-invalidate

By default TTL expiration will be invalidating - see Internal Materialization. Setting lazy-invalidate to true will make ttl refreshes non-invalidating.

  • deployment-name

Effectively reserved. Will be set at deploy time by the server to the name of the server deployment.

Properties Schema/Model Level

  • visible

Marks the Schema is visible when value is true. visible falg is set to false, the Schema’s metadata is hidden from any metadata requests. However note that this does not prohibit the user from issuing the queries against this Schema, in order to control the queries look into Data Roles.

  • multisource

Marks the Schema as multi-source mode, where the data exists in partitions in multiple different sources. It is assumed that metadata of the Schema across all the data sources is exactly same.

  • multisource.columnName

In a multi-source schema all the tables will be implicitly added with additional column to designate the partition column about identity of that source. This property defines the name of that column, the type will be always 'String'.

  • multisource.addColumn

This flag to indicate, to add the implicit partition column to all the tables in this Schema. true value adds the column. Default is false.

  • allowed-languages

The allowed-languages property enables the languages use for any purpose in the vdb, while the allow-language permission allows the language to be used by users with RoleA.

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