The JSONTABLE function uses JsonPath to produce tabular output. The JSONTABLE function is implicitly a nested table and may be correlated to preceding FROM clause entries.


JSONTABLE(value, path [, nullLeafOnMissing] COLUMNS <COLUMN>, ... ) AS name
COLUMN := name (FOR ORDINALITY | (datatype [PATH string]))

See also JsonPath Support


  • value is a clob containing a valid json document.

  • If nullLeafOnMissing is false (the default), then a path that evaluates to a leaf that is missing will throw an exception. If nullLeafOnMissing is true, then a null value will be returned.

  • The path string should be a valid JsonPath. If an array value is returned, then each non-null element will be used to generate a row. Otherwise a single non-null item will be used to create a single row.

  • A FOR ORDINALITY column is typed as integer and will return the 1-based item number as its value.

  • Each non-ordinality column specifies a type and optionally a PATH.

  • If PATH is not specified, then the path will be generated from the column name: @['name'] - which will look for an object key value matching name. If PATH is specified, it must begin with @, which means that the path will be processed relative the the current row context item.

Syntax Rules:

  • The columns names must not contain duplicates.

  • Array types are not yet supported.


Use of passing, returns 1 row [1]:

select * from jsontable('{"a": {"id":1}}}', '$.a' COLUMNS id integer) x

As a nested table:

select x.* from t, jsontable(t.doc, '$.x.y' COLUMNS first string, second FOR ORDINALITY) x

With more complicated paths:

select x.* from jsontable('[{"firstName": "John", "lastName": "Wayne", "children": []}, {"firstName": "John", "lastName": "Adams", "children":["Sue","Bob"]}]', '$.*' COLUMNS familyName string path '@.lastName', children integer path '@.children.length()' ) x

Differences With XMLTABLE

Processing of JSON to tabular results was previously recommended through the use of XMLTABLE with JSONTOXML. For most tasks JSONTABLE provides a simpler syntax. However there are some differences to consider:

  • JSONTABLE parses the JSON completely, the processes it. XMLTABLE support streaming processing to reduce the memory overhead.

  • JsonPath is not as powerful as XQuery - there are a lot of functions and operations available in XQuery/XPath that are not available in JsonPath.

  • JsonPath does not allow for parent references in the column paths - there is no ability to reference the root or any part of the parent hierarchy (.. in XPath).

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