Archetype Template UDF Project

One way to start developing a custom user defined function (UDF) is to create a project using the Teiid UDF archetype template. When the project is created from the template, it will create a maven project that contains an example java class and the assembly resources for packaging as a module or a CLI script for configuring via jboss-cli.

The project will be created as an independent project and has no parent maven dependencies. It’s designed to be built independent of building Teiid.

You have 2 options for creating a UDF project; in Eclipse by creating a new maven project from the arche type or by using the command line to generate the project.

Create Project in Eclipse

To create a Java project in Eclipse from an arche type, perform the following:

  • Open the JAVA perspective

  • From the menu select File –> New —> Other

  • In the tree, expand Maven and select Maven Project, press Next

  • On the "Select project name and Location" window, you can accept the defaults, press Next

  • On the "Select an Archetype" window, select Configure button

  • Add the remote catalog: link: then click OK to return

  • Enter "teiid" in the filter to see the Teiid arche types.

  • Select the udf-archetype v10.0.0, then press Next

  • Enter all the information (i.e., Group ID, Artifact ID, method-name, method-args, return-type etc.) needed to generate the project, then click Finish

The project will be created and name according to the *ArtifactID*.

Create Project using Command Line

make sure the link: repository is accessible via your maven settings.

To create a custom translator project from the command line, you can use the following template command:


mvn archetype:generate                         \
  -DarchetypeGroupId=org.teiid.arche-types               \
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=udf-archetype          \
  -DarchetypeVersion=10.0.0     \
  -DgroupId=${groupId}                  \
  -DartifactId=${udf-artifact-id}   \
  -Dpackage=${package}    \
  -Dversion=0.0.1-SNAPSHOT      \
  -Dudf-name=${functionName}  \
  -Dmethod-name=${methodName}      \
  -Dmethod-args=${methodArguments}   \
  • where:

  -DarchetypeGroupId    -  is the group ID for the arche type to use to generate
  -DarchetypeArtifactId -  is the artifact ID for the arche type to use to generate
  -DarchetypeVersion    -  is the version for the arche type to use to generate
  -DgroupId     -  (user defined) group ID for the new udf project pom.xml
  -DartifactId      -  (user defined) artifact ID for the new udf project pom.xml
  -Dpackage     -  (user defined) the package structure where the java, module and resource files will be created
  -Dversion     -  (user defined) the version that the new connector project pom.xml will be
  -Dudf-name        -  (user defined) the name to give the new user defined function, will become the Class Name
  -Dmethod-name         -  (user defined) the name of the method that will be configured in the model procedure
  -Dmethod-args         -  (user defined) the arguments the method will accept.  'Type name[, Type name[,...]]  Example:  'String arg0' or 'String arg0, integer arg1'
  -Dreturn-type         -  (user defined) the data type of the value returned by the method

  • this is an example of the template that can be run:

mvn archetype:generate                           \
  -DarchetypeGroupId=org.teiid.arche-types               \
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=udf-archetype          \
  -DarchetypeVersion=10.0.0     \
  -DgroupId=org.example   \
  -DartifactId=udf-function    \
  -Dpackage=org.example.function    \
  -Dversion=0.0.1-SNAPSHOT      \
  -Dudf-name=Function \
  -Dmethod-name=function      \
  -Dmethod-args='String arg1'   \

When executed, you will be asked to confirm the package property

[INFO] Archetype repository not defined. Using the one from [org.teiid.arche-types:udf-archetype:9.0.1] found in catalog local [INFO] Using property: groupId = org.example [INFO] Using property: artifactId = udf-function [INFO] Using property: version = 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT [INFO] Using property: package = org.example.function [INFO] Using property: method-args = String arg1 [INFO] Using property: method-name = function [INFO] Using property: return-type = String [INFO] Using property: udf-name = Function Confirm properties configuration: groupId: org.example artifactId: udf-function version: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT package: org.example.function method-args: String arg1 method-name: function return-type: String udf-name: Function Y: : y

type Y (yes) and press enter, and the creation of the udf project will be done

Upon creation, a directory based on the _*artifactId*_ will be created, that will contain the project. 'cd' into that directory and execute a test build to confirm the project was created correctly:

mvn clean install
This should build successfully, and now you are ready to start adding your custom code.

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