Infinispan Translator

The Infinispan translator, known by the type name "infinispan-hotrod" exposes the Infinispan cache store to be queried using SQL language, and it uses HotRod protocol to connect the remote Infinispan cluster farm. This translator does NOT work with any arbitary key/value mappings in the Infinispan. However, if the Infinispan store is defined with "probuf" file then this works. Typical usage of HotRod protocol also dicates this requirement.

What is Infinispan - Infinispan is a distributed in-memory key/value data store with optional schema, available under the Apache License 2.0

The following will be explained


Below is a sample VDB that can read metadata from a protobuf file based on the AddressBook quick start on site.

<vdb name="addressbook" version="1">
    <model name="ispn">
        <property name="importer.ProtobufName" value="addressbook.proto"/>
        <source name="localhost" translator-name="infinispan-hotrod" connection-jndi-name="java:/ispnDS"/>
        <metadata type = "NATIVE"/>
        <metadata type = "DDL"><![CDATA[
            ALTER FOREIGN TABLE Person OPTIONS (SET "teiid_ispn:cache" 'personCache');


For the above VDB to work, a connection to Infinispan is required. Below shows an example configuration for the resource-adapter that is needed. Be sure to edit the "RemoteServerList" to reflect your Infinispan server location.

<resource-adapter id="infinispanDS">
    <module slot="main" id="org.jboss.teiid.resource-adapter.infinispan.hotrod"/>
        <connection-definition class-name="org.teiid.resource.adapter.infinispan.hotrod.InfinispanManagedConnectionFactory"
            jndi-name="java:/ispnDS" enabled="true" use-java-context="true" pool-name="teiid-ispn-ds">
            <config-property name="RemoteServerList">

Once you configure above resource-adapter and deploy the VDB successfully, then you can connect to the VDB using Teiid JDBC driver and issue SQL statements like

select * from Person;
select * PhoneNumber where number = <value>;

insert into Person (...) values (...);
update Person set name = <value> where id = <value>;
delete from person where id = <value>;

Configuration of Translator

Defining the Metadata

There are three different ways to define the metadata for the Infinispan model in Teiid.

1) Metadata from a protobuf file (see Importer Properties) - User can register a .proto file with translator configuration, which will be read in Teiid and get converted to the model’s schema. Then Teiid will register this protobuf file in Infinispan.

2) Metadata from already registered proto file (see Importer Properties) - If the protobuf file has already been registered in your Infinispan node, Teiid can obtain it and read the protobuf directly.

3) Define in DDL: Like any other translator, you can use the <metadata> tags to define the DDL directly. For example

    <model name="ispn">
        <source name="localhost" translator-name="infinispan-hotrod" connection-jndi-name="java:/ispnDS"/>
        <metadata type = "DDL"><![CDATA[
            CREATE FOREIGN TABLE G1 (e1 integer PRIMARY KEY, e2 varchar(25), e3 double) OPTIONS(UPDATABLE true, , "teiid_ispn:cache" 'g1Cache');
       <metadata type = "NATIVE"/>
The "<metadata type = "NATIVE"/>" is required in order to trigger the registration of the generated protobuf file. The name of the protobuf registered in Infinispan will use the format of: schemaName + ".proto". So in the above example, it would be named ispn.proto. This would be useful if another VDB wished to reference that same cache and would then use the Importer Property importer.ProtobufName.

For this option, a compatible probuf definition is generated and registered in Infinispan.

Details on Protobuf to DDL conversion

This section show cases an example protobuf file and shows how that file converted to relational schema in the Teiid. This below is taken from the quick start examples of Infinispan.

package quickstart;

/* @Indexed */
message Person {

   /* @IndexedField */
   required string name = 1;

   /* @Id @IndexedField(index=false, store=false) */
   required int32 id = 2;

   optional string email = 3;

   enum PhoneType {
      MOBILE = 0;
      HOME = 1;
      WORK = 2;

   /* @Indexed */
   message PhoneNumber {

      /* @IndexedField */
      required string number = 1;

      /* @IndexedField(index=false, store=false) */
      optional PhoneType type = 2 [default = HOME];

   /* @IndexedField(index=true, store=false) */
   repeated PhoneNumber phone = 4;

When Teiid’s translator processes the above protobuf file, the following DDL is generated automatically for the Teiid model as the relational representation.

    name string NOT NULL OPTIONS (ANNOTATION '@IndexedField', SEARCHABLE 'Searchable', NATIVE_TYPE 'string', "teiid_ispn:TAG" '1'),
    id integer NOT NULL OPTIONS (ANNOTATION '@Id @IndexedField(index=false, store=false)', NATIVE_TYPE 'int32', "teiid_ispn:TAG" '2'),
    email string OPTIONS (SEARCHABLE 'Searchable', NATIVE_TYPE 'string', "teiid_ispn:TAG" '3'),
) OPTIONS (ANNOTATION '@Indexed', NAMEINSOURCE 'quickstart.Person', UPDATABLE TRUE, "teiid_ispn:cache" 'personCache');

    number string NOT NULL OPTIONS (ANNOTATION '@IndexedField', SEARCHABLE 'Searchable', NATIVE_TYPE 'string', "teiid_ispn:TAG" '1'),
    type integer DEFAULT '1' OPTIONS (ANNOTATION '@IndexedField(index=false, store=false)', NATIVE_TYPE 'PhoneType', "teiid_ispn:TAG" '2'),
    Person_id integer OPTIONS (NAMEINSOURCE 'id', SEARCHABLE 'Searchable', "teiid_ispn:PSEUDO" 'phone'),
) OPTIONS (ANNOTATION '@Indexed', NAMEINSOURCE 'quickstart.Person.PhoneNumber',
    UPDATABLE TRUE, "teiid_ispn:MERGE" 'model.Person', "teiid_ispn:PARENT_COLUMN_NAME" 'phone',
    "teiid_ispn:PARENT_TAG" '4');

Protobuf Translation Rules

You can see from above DDL, Teiid makes use of the extension metadata properties to capture all the information required from .proto file into DDL form so that information can be used at runtime. The following are some rules the translation engine follows.

Infinispan Mapped to Relational Entity Example



Person, PhoneNumber


integer attribute in table



As an array for simple types or as a separate table with one-2-many relationship to parent message.


  • All required fields will be modeled as NON NULL columns

  • All indexed columns will be marked as Searchable.

  • The default values are captured.

  • To enable updates, the top level message object MUST define @id annotation on one of its columns

Notice the @Id annotation on the Person message’s "id" attribute in protobuf file. This is NOT defined by Infinispan, but required by Teiid to identify the key column of the cache entry. In the absence of this annotation, only "read only" access (SELECT) is provided to top level objects. Any access to complex objects (PhoneNumber from above example) will not be provided.
A option to not defining the @Id in the protobuf file, but to enable updates, would be to define the metadata in a Teiid model, where the PK can be defined on the source table.

IMPOTANT: When .proto file has more than single top level "message" objects to be stored as the root object in the cache, each of the objects must be stored in a different cache to avoid the key conflicts in a single cache store. This is restriction imposed by Infinispan, however Teiid’s single model can have multiple of these message types. Since each of the message will be in different cache store, you can define the cache store name for the "message" object. For this, define an extension property "teiid_ispn:cache" on the corresponding Teiid’s table. See below code example.

    <model name="ispn">
        <property name="importer.ProtobufName" value="addressbook.proto"/>
        <source name="localhost" translator-name="infinispan-hotrod" connection-jndi-name="java:/ispnDS"/>
        <metadata type = "NATIVE"/>
        <metadata type = "DDL"><![CDATA[
            ALTER FOREIGN TABLE Person OPTIONS (SET "teiid_ispn:cache" '<cache-name>');

Execution Properties

Execution properties extend/limit the functionality of the translator based on the physical source capabilities. Sometimes default properties may need to adjusted for proper execution of the translator in your environment.

Currently there are no defined execution properties for this translator.

Importer Properties

Importer properties define the behavior options of the translator during the metadata import from the physical source.

Name Description Default


The file path to a Protobuf .proto file accessible to the server to be read and convert into metadata.



The name of the Protobuf .proto file that has been registered with the Infinispan node, that Teiid will read and convert into metadata. The property value MUST exactly match registered name.


<vdb name="vdbname" version="1">
    <model name="modelname">
        <property name="importer.ProtoFilePath" value="/path/to/myschema.proto"/>
<vdb name="vdbname" version="1">
    <model name="modelname">
        <property name="importer.ProtobufName" value="existing.proto"/>


  • Bulk update support is not available.

  • No transactions supported. It is currently last edit stands.

  • Aggregate functions like SUM, AVG etc are not supported on inner objects (ex: PhoneNumber)

  • UPSERT support on complex objects is always results in INSERT

  • LOBS are not streamed, use caution as this can lead to OOM errors.

  • There is no function library in Infinispan

  • Array objects can not be projected currently, but they will show up in the metadata

  • When using DATE/TIMESTAMP/TIME types in Teiid metadata, they are by default marshaled into a LONG type in Infinispan.

  • SSL and identity support is not currently available (see TEIID-4904)

Native Queries - Native or direct query execution is not supported through Infinispan translator.

JCA Resource Adapter

The resource adapter for this translator is a Infinispan Data Source.

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