Installation Guide

Teiid needs to be installed into an existing WildFly 11.0.0 installation.

Teiid provides an embedded kit, however it should be considered a tech preview as its APIs will likely evolve and there is sparse documentation.

Steps to install Teiid

  • Download the WildFly application server. Install the server by unzipping into a known location. Ex: /apps/jboss-install

You may also choose to use an existing AS installation. However if a previous version of Teiid was already installed, you must remove the old Teiid distribution artifacts before installing the new version.
  • Download Teiid. Unzip the downloaded artifact inside the WildFly installation. Teiid 10.3 directory structure matches WildFly directly - it is just an overlay. This will add necessary modules and configuration files to install Teiid in WildFly 11.0.0 in both Standalone and Domain modes. Teiid provides separate configuration files for both standalone mode and domain mode. Based on mode type you selected to run WildFly 11.0.0 , you may have to run a CLI script to complete the Teiid installation.

The "Domain" mode recommended in a clustered environment to take advantage of clustered caching and cluster safe distribution of events. Teiid’s default configuration for Domain mode through CLI script configured for high availability and clustered caching.

Standalone Mode

if you want to start the "standalone" profile, execute the following command

<jboss-install>/bin/ -c=standalone-teiid.xml

Installing Teiid using CLI script

The above is starting WildFly in a separate Teiid specific configuration that is based standalone.xml. However, if you already working with a predefined configuration for example default standalone.xml and would like to install Teiid into that configuration, then you can execute the following JBoss CLI script. First, start the server


then in a separate console window execute

<jboss-install>/bin/ --file=bin/scripts/teiid-standalone-mode-install.cli

this will install Teiid subsystem into the running configuration of the WildFly 11.0.0 in standalone mode.

Note: If you are using standalone ha or standalone full-ha, you should use the teiid-standalone-ha-mode-install.cli script instead.

Domain Mode

To start the server in "Domain" mode, install WildFly 11.0.0 and Teiid 10.3 on all the servers that are going to be part of the cluster. Select one of the servers as the "master" domain controller, the rest of the servers will be slaves that connect to the "master" domain controller for all the administrative operations. Please refer to WildFly 11.0.0 provided documentation for full details.

Once you configured all the servers, start the "master" node with following command


and on "slave" nodes


The slave nodes fetch their domain configuration from the "master" node.

Once all the servers are up, complete the installation to run in domain mode by executing the following command against the "master" node. Note that this only needs to be run once per domain (i.e. cluster) install. This script will install Teiid in the ha and full-ha profiles. It will also re-configure main-server-group to start the ha profile. Once in domain mode, you can not statically deploy resources by dropping them in the domain/deployments folder, so this script will deploy the default resources (file, ldap, salesforce and ws connectors) using the CLI interface.

<jboss-install>/bin/ --file=bin/scripts/teiid-domain-mode-install.cli

Thats it!. WildFly and Teiid are now installed and running. See below instructions to customize various other settings.

Once VDBs have been deployed, users can now connect their JDBC applications to Teiid. If you need help on connecting your application to Teiid using JDBC check out the Client Developer’s Guide.

Directory Structure Explained

This shows the contents of the Teiid 10.3 deployment. The directory structure is exactly the same under any JBoss profile.

Directory Structure
Name Description


Contains installation and utility CLI scripts for setting up Teiid in different configurations.


Contains documents, examples, sample data source XML fragments and schema files.


standalone-teiid.xml - Master configuration file for the Teiid system. This file contains the Teiid subsystem, in addition to the standard WildFly web profile subsystems




This directory contains the Teiid modules for WildFly 11.0.0 system


This directory contains Teiid client libraries. It has the Teiid JDBC driver jar, "teiid-10.3.0-jdbc.jar", and also contains "teiid-hibernate-dialect-10.3.0.jar" that contains Teiid’s Hibernate dialect.

{standalone or domain}/tmp/teiid

This directory under standalone or domain, contains temporary files created by Teiid. These are mostly created by the buffer manager. These files are not needed across a VM restart. Creation of Teiid lob values(for example through SQL/XML) will typically create one file per lob once it exceeds the allowable in memory size of 8KB. In heavy usage scenarios, consider pointing the buffer directory at a partition that is routinely defragmented.

{standalone or domain}/data/teiid-data

This directory under standalone or domain, contains cached vdb metadata files. Do not edit them manually.

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