
Details on how to interact with the Teiid community.

We community! Contributions and feedback in whatever form are always welcome, as long as they’re constructive!

There are 3 main JIRA projects for issues related to Teiid and associated tools:


Starting with Teiid 10.0, the majority of the code in Teiid and related projects is provided under the business-friendly ASL 2.0 license.  Libraries integrated with Teiid are licensed under the LGPL and a variety of compatible open source licenses including the ASL, BSD, CPL, and MIT licenses. You will retain an implicit or explicit copyright, but it is expected that the code will be made availble under the ASL 2.0 or similar license of the relevant subproject.


There are many ways to contribute to Teiid. All contributions are valued and welcomed, be it fixing a typo in documentation, raising an issue to report a bug, or creating a whole new awesome feature. Don’t worry if this is your first contribution to an open source project: the Teiid maintainers can help you if you need it.

After you have consulted the docs and/or other online resources, locate the JIRA instance for the part of Teiid you want to contribute to. Search for open issues, or log the particular issue you are experiencing. For those opposed to having a login to the Red Hat JIRA instance, you may also use github issues if they are enabled on the particular project repository.

If you are comfortable working with source code be it Java, Go, Markdown, etc. you should familize yourself with git and github. The general process is to create a remote fork of the relevant Teiid github repository, clone the fork locally, create a branch for your work, commit your changes to your remote repository then submit a pull request against the original repository. Your commit comments should be descriptive and indicate which issue is being addressed. See the links below and the project repositories themselves for more on this process.